Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quaint little Tea Room in Ojai

As I was traveling through Ojai this weekend, I happened upon the sweetest little English Tea Room called "Plaza Pantry." Initially I was intrigued by the sign on the front window which said, "Lunch Special Grilled Cheese Sandwich $2.95." This is something you don't see every day!

Anyways...I was curious to step in and check this place out. Upon entering I first noticed an older woman behind the counter making a ham,cheese and egg sandwich on a little stove that reminded me of a buddy burner. Does anyone use buddy burners anymore? I think this sort of thing is still used for camping purposes only.

Soon I found out the woman behind the counter is the owner and only employee. I knew in this moment I was going to enjoy my visit here.

The chalkboard menu was a very small selection. You had a choice of several UK Specialties or US specialties. Some of the choices were a banger butty, spaghetti on toast, sheperds pie or a crumpet with a lemon curd. Giggled when I heard banger butty...what a great name for a piece of sausage! ha! Decided on Sheperds pie. The owner Beryl made it herself. It was quite tasty!

If you are ever in Ojai, you might just want to check this little place out. It is really something to see! You can also find just about any English product from chocolate to cookies. :)

Ojai is a divine place with many hidden treasures waiting to be discovered!

Happy Trails,

Plaza Pantry
221 E. Matilija Street